
Total Control Logo

Note: This project is still in its early stages and not ready for launch. Any feedback or peice of advice are welcomed.


Total Control is an Android application that allows users to remotely manage and monitor their devices. The application has two types of users: Personal (for individuals) and Family (for parents to monitor their kids). With Total Control, users can easily lock their devices or specific applications, read their own activities, and monitor their children’s activities remotely.


Total Control is a mobile application built with Dart and Flutter and powered by Firebase. The app is currently available for Android devices, with plans for an iOS version in the future.

This app offers a range of features for both personal and parenting use, allowing parents to monitor their children’s device usage and promote healthy habits. It provides a way to lock applications and devices (coming soon), read user activity on the app (and web activity coming soon), and monitor children’s device activities remotely using Firebase technology.

With Total Control, parents can easily remove apps or edit their settings locally, with remote access coming soon. The app’s user interface is intuitive and easy to use, with separate sections for personal and family use.

Total Control is still in the early stages of development and not yet ready for launch. Any feedback or suggestions for future updates are welcome.

Note: Total Control is not intended to promote excessive monitoring or control of device usage, but rather to help promote healthy habits and responsible use of technology.

Technology Used

Total Control is built using Dart and Flutter, accompanied by Firebase as the database for the application. The app uses Firebase Firestore to store user data and device activities.



Check out some screenshots of Total Control’s interface below. These images showcase the different sections and features of the application, such as the Personal and Family sections, the Applications and Child sections. Take a look to get a better sense of how Total Control can help you manage and monitor your devices more effectively.

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me at Hussam Alraggad for any feedback or advice.

Thank you for your interest in Total Control App!